Lake of the Ozarks – Quality Life. Quality Business.

The Lake of the Ozarks region has all of the essential ingredients necessary to provide a high quality of life for its citizens. One of the most significant attributes for the region is its natural scenic beauty along the 1150 miles of Lake Shoreline. Located in south central Missouri the Lake of the Ozarks is one of the largest manmade lakes in the world and is surrounded by the beautiful Ozark Mountains.

With substantial infrastructure and thousands of acres of undeveloped land at attractive prices from which to choose, the lake region makes an excellent site for industrial, commercial and retail development.

Getting here is easy. The Lake of the Ozarks region is centrally located in Missouri, and the U.S. major highways and five nearby airports serve the area from all directions.

About LOREDC – Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council

We Are Your Liaison to the Lake of the Ozarks Community

The Lake of the Ozarks is a diverse area that has an excellent business environment and outstanding “quality of life” attributes. However, it needed a cohesive and cooperative effort to sell these advantages to potential business and industry. As a result, the LOREDC was formed to promote a regional approach to marketing the Lake Area. LOREDC consists of communities within a three-county region in Central Missouri – Camden, Miller, and Morgan.

LOREDC encourages economic development by providing organization and program development, motivation, coordination, and evaluation of community projects, programs and resources.

We have the responsibility of determining the major areas of concern, reviewing community resources, setting goals and priorities, and developing the necessary volunteer committees to carry out its purpose.

Upcoming Events

2024 Membership Meeting Dates

 April 18th
July 18th
October 17th

Get Involved with LOREDC!

LOREDC meets Quarterly on the third Thursday at 1pm.
The meetings are located at the CVB/TCLA Warehouse at 985 KK Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065.

For information on location and meeting topics, sign up below to receive our emails.

For Immediate Release

On Friday, January 17th, the Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council hosted their Annual Meeting at State Fair Community College in Osage Beach. Providing the keynote address was Kristie Davis, Director of Missouri One Start, a division of the Missouri Department of Economic Development. Throughout her presentation, she highlighted success of the state’s economic development efforts in 2024 and provided a positive outlook for sustained economic growth in the lake region and beyond. LOREDC President Harrison Fry presented the organization’s 2024 annual report and shared with the nearly 70 attendees work done in regional marketing, government relations, business retention and expansion, and a commitment to further developing the organization in its 20th year and beyond.

Outgoing members of LOREDC’s Board of Directors Kelly Miller (Central Ozarks Medical Center) and Jeff Vernetti (State Representative) were recognized for their tenure with the organization. Heather Brown (Lake of the Ozarks CVB) and Andy Dunlap (Central Bank) were re-elected to the Board of Directors, with Dr. Jill Durnin (Lake Career and Technical Center) elected to serve in her first term. Later in the meeting, several businesses and individuals from Miller, Morgan, and Camden Counties were recognized for their efforts in developing our region in a number of areas. The 2024 LOREDC Impact Awards were presented to the following:


  • Infrastructure Investment – Ramboldt Excavating. Also nominated were Ameren Missouri and CO-MO Connect.
  • Quality of Life Enhancement – Central Ozarks Medical Center. Also nominated were the City of Osage Beach and Lowe’s (Dog Park), Oasis at Lakeport, and OATS Transit.
  • Workforce Development – State Fair Community College. Also nominated were K.C. Cloke and Lake Career and Technical Center.
  • Housing Development – JCM Ventures. Also nominated were Tony Otto, SR & JR Investments, and Ron Yarbrough.
  • Retention and Expansion – Quaker Windows and Doors. Also nominated were Central Ozarks Medical Center, Gates Corporation, and Ozark Fisheries.
  • Community Champion – Amy and Cory Dunn. Also nominated were Matt Davis, Harrison Fry, Leah Martin, and Donna Swall. LOREDC welcomes and encourages anyone interested in promoting regional economic development for our area to contact a member of the Board of Directors or visit for information on how to become involved.

LOREDC Recognizes Outstanding Business and Stakeholder Contributions with Annual Awards

The Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council (LOREDC) offers an opportunity to honor persons/businesses in the tri-county region for outstanding contributions to our Lake area community.